Want to create your own success story?
client success stories
Do user needs-focused articles perform better?
When you’re commissioning articles you have two choices: pull focus around a primary user need - or to not.

Data-led double murder story drives subscriptions
In the small Dutch village of Weiteveen, a couple is found murdered. The editorial team at Dagblad van het Noorden springs into action, publishing a series of stories online. Newsroom analyst Alwin Wubs works to bring order to the chaos, and ultimately finds there has been a bump in subscriptions.

How user needs are working at Der Spiegel
There’s an adage that you can’t manage what you don’t measure. We know this to be true, and what follows is a case study showing why reports - and baseline reports in particular - are an invaluable part of your newsroom’s toolkit. Here’s what Der Spiegel learned when they created one.

How to come up with growth hacks via user needs
The mediasector has embraced user needs as a useful and transformative concept to better engage audiences. A great way for publishers to start, is by using the model to run growth hacks.

Data study: does image testing work? (yes, it does)
Since October last year, smartocto users have had the option to test images. Many clients have started utilising this feature. The question is: what is the effect?

The decline of social media traffic to news sites in six charts
Although the number of hours people worldwide spend on social media has remained stable for years, news media are noticing a shift in traffic to their websites. Smartocto analysed statistics from traffic via social media of the past four years to uncover the trends you need to know about.

Changing data analytical tool is hard, but doable
Numerous tools have been knocking on the door of the modern newsroom. Once you’re convinced of their utility, the next challenge is: how do you implement them?

Riches in niches: covering popular topics for targeted audiences
Often, you’ll need to cover news that appears across your competitors’ front pages as well. You can learn a lot from niche news sites in this client case.

How the audience became Omroep Brabant’s major inspiration
Omroep Brabant have been keen pioneers of applying the user needs for news theory to the real world ever since we started our research. This is how it's going.

Working with user needs: 'Essential to exchange experiences'
The transformation of an editorial workflow comes with bumps and challenges. Turun Sanomat sought assistance from other media organisations, and this proved liberating.

Higher quality of content follows a read depth challenge
The beauty of working with smartocto, is that everyone can decide for themselves which metrics to prioritise. DailyCoin, a news site about cryptocurrency, has recently focused on 'read depth' by devising a challenge for their editors.

Identifying brand-specific user needs with The Conversation
All successful media brands have their own set of user needs which enable them to better connect with their audience and enhance the performance of their sites. The Conversation demonstrates how they realised that brand-specific user needs are essential.

How AI can assist in headline testing
Every news website relies on A/B testing for their headlines. Editors struggle to come up with headlines. So, how can AI be of assistance in headline testing tools?

How smartocto academy supports the user needs approach
The user needs approach is new, and probably one that's different to the norm. How does smartocto support implementing it? It all starts with education.

What does a data-powered press agency look like?
News agencies remain a key source of news for media brands. PA Media sought out smartocto to facilitate a more complete analysis of their output performance.

Dutch broadcasters seek change in workflow
As a journalist, you may prefer to maintain independence and autonomy when altering your workflow. However, the Dutch regional broadcasters are pioneering a shift.

Dutch broadcaster driven by user needs to spark creativity
When the user needs were introduced at Omroep Gelderland, the editorial team reacted skeptically. By now, the model is part of every brainstorming session.

Data reports as an invaluable part of the newsroom
We sat down and had a chat with our client Daraj, to learn more about how they use our tool. Turns out, our CPI and data reports are invaluable to them.

How AI can assist in headline testing
Every news website relies on A/B testing for their headlines. Editors struggle to come up with headlines. So, how can AI be of assistance in headline testing tools?

How an actionable content strategy can help non-profit organisations
In this client case we asked Milieudefensie, a dutch non-profit organisation, what the benefits and learnings are from working with an actionable data tool, smart notifications and realtime insights.

Vijesti x Internews: shifting to a data-informed approach
Vijesti’s challenges are almost universally recognisable. Print has long been a core part of the business and the shift to digital presents the now-familiar issues of cultural change, upskilling and strategic shift.

Follow the story
We followed a story from de Gelderlander, completely from A to Z, to understand exactly how the story was monitored in smartocto, to what smart notifications it led, how they were followed up, and what the learnings are.

Growing your subscriber base with engaging content
In this client case we will dive into the way smartocto helps Badische Zeitung to recognise and understand the most engaging (and therefore most valuable) content on its pages.

The Local's road to booming subscriptions
Online publisher The Local's reader revenue model focusses on behavioural metrics, such as loyalty and engagement. Their subscriptions thrived during the pandemic.

Optimising story performance with the right editorial data
Public broadcaster Omroep Zeeland is discovering a new journalistic approach to stories and follow-ups. Smartocto data and notifications help them reach their goals.

Data as the key to growth
Omroep Brabant uses both smartocto real time and insights. Find out how they use this data to connect to their audience, and maintain their position as the largest regional broadcaster in The Netherlands.