Real time

Content analytics across multiple channels

Smartocto is well known for its real time content analytics. Powerful visualisations and crystal clear graphs help over 300 newsrooms across the globe to stay informed and empowered to make the best editorial decisions.

real time data features

smart tips

Actionable AI-powered decision making

It’s all about smart analytics. Data-rich insights are essential in today’s newsrooms. That’s why we invented our smart notifications. We serve you just the information you need. These unique tips are customised to you, based on your content strategy and your business model.

powerful notifications


A/B testing & page optimisation

Thanks to our A/B testing tool, you can optimise your website’s pages upfront. Test which headline resonates best with your audience or which leads and images attract more attention. This ensures the best results for each article while enhancing your website’s overall appeal. An AI plugin helps by suggesting alternative headlines and paragraphs.


Reports with unique content performance scores

Smartocto Insights is in perfect sync with every major publishing business model. With the help of our unique analytics solution, you can map the patterns in your readers’ behaviour and influence their actions. It's all about turning data into insights.


Customisable dashboards

Of course, when all this real time data is presented to you, you want to keep track of it, but no one expects a room full of journalists to constantly keep their eyes on our real time tool. After all, different organisations and even different people within your organisation might need different metrics and graphs to do their job. So we created something that can be adjusted to specific wishes or business goals. Waves is our standalone, fully customisable big screen.


User needs for news

The User Needs Model 2.0 will help you choose the right content strategy and the best angle for every story. It's an essential part of editorial data analytics. Smartocto integrated the model into its technology and even made it more powerful with the support of artificial intelligence.

Read our research

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