Introducing smartocto Academy, our brand new eLearning platform. In the academy, you’ll find everything you need to know to support, explain and deepen your online content strategy.

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We care about journalism. We’ve worked as editors and content creators and we understand what challenges the industry is facing. We believe in the tech we’ve created, but we think it’s even more important to help you to become successful by using our tech. And that’s the exact reason why we’ve decided to build smartocto academy: to help you grow as a journalist.

To ensure maximum learning and engagement, smartocto Academy has partnered with online learning specialist Pluvo to create an interactive experience.

  • Test your knowledge with quiz questions and practical assignments
  • Apply what you've learned to real-world scenarios
  • Access the Knowledge College for in-depth learning
  • Utilise our extensive FAQ section for addressing queries and gaining further understanding

Pricing and additional info

We are excited to offer you the opportunity to join smartocto Academy. Our pricing plans are designed to be flexible and cater to the needs of your organisation.

Standard Plan: 12,50 euro per seat per month or 120 euro per year

With our Standard Plan, you can enjoy full access to smartocto Academy for only 12,50 euro per seat per month. Each team member will have their own individual account, allowing them to embark on their personalised learning journey and gain valuable insights into editorial data analytics.

Discounts for volume and long-term contracts

We understand the importance of accommodating larger teams and fostering long-term partnerships. That's why we offer special discounts for:

Volume: If you have more than 25 seats, we provide discounted pricing to ensure that your entire team can benefit.

Long-term contracts: Committing to a long-term contract demonstrates your dedication to continuous improvement and growth. We appreciate your trust and loyalty, and as a token of our gratitude, we offer additional discounts for those who choose extended subscription periods.

Manage participants with ease

We believe in giving you full control over managing the participants from your organisation. With smartocto Academy, you can easily add or remove seats, monitor progress, and ensure that everyone in your team is on track to success. Our intuitive platform makes participant management a seamless experience, empowering you to maximise its value.

Do you already have a license?

Then here are some useful links:

Real time modules

1. Story details page
2. Stream
3. Ink
4. Filtering
5. Impact radar
6. Negative sentiment
7. A/B testing
8. Homepage orchestration
9. Tentacles archive
10. Follow up
11. Search traffic

Historical insights modules

1. Metrics
2. CPI
3. Overview page
4. Authors page
5. Website page
6. Section page

User needs modules

1. Introduction to the User Needs Model 2.0
2. Background with Dmitry
3. How to implement it in the newsroom
4. Update me
5. Educate me
6. Give me perspective
7. Divert me
8. Inspire me
9. Connect me
10. Help me
11. Keep me engaged
12. How smartocto tools can help
13. Notifications and user needs
14. Quadrant model and user needs
15. Waves and user needs
16. Goals and user needs

Your organisation has the freedom to decide where to prioritise its focus. At smartocto Academy, we provide you with the tools to track the progress of all participants. As an added incentive, we can offer the opportunity to receive certificates, celebrating the goals they have achieved. This not only recognises their hard work but also highlights their commitment to excellence in the field.

Your success is our success

At smartocto, we are committed to supporting the growth and success of journalists. We firmly believe that our technology can empower you, but we understand that true success comes from helping you harness its power effectively. Thus, the creation of smartocto Academy was driven by our desire to see you thrive in the industry.

We invite you to embark on this exciting learning journey with us. Join smartocto Academy today and unlock your full potential as a journalist.

If you are interested in a license to smartocto Academy, please fill in the form below and we will get back to you.