Elections provide media outlets a unique opportunity to engage their audience in the democratic process. But simply posting updates on political campaigns isn’t enough, according to the Solutions Journalism Network and Trusting News organisation. In this webinar, Stefan ten Teije, Lynn Walsh and Jaisal Noor will share their insights about how to create election coverage that matters.

Solutions journalism is gaining momentum. Its aim is to help people understand their role in complex issues and identify opportunities for change. The User Needs Model 2.0 can be enormously beneficial in executing this approach, particularly with the user needs Help me and Connect me on the action-driven axle. During the webinar, smartocto will demonstrate how audiences respond to this type of content.


Thursday, 31 October 2024 at 17:00 CET (09.00 Pacific Daylight Time)


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Not the odds, but the stakes

Looking at the polarised political debate in the United States, it's evident that the media often thinks that by covering rallies, campaign ads, and other political statements it is doing enough to serve its audience. When you combine these things with relentless polling analysis, news can quickly devolve into horse race journalism. By contrast, the search for tangible solutions to societal problems tends to be overlooked. The Jay Rosen quote above puts it perfectly: we need more about impact and much less reliance on what the latest polls say.

Here’s what you can expect from the webinar. We will…

  • Share data on stories that have inspired audiences to take action
  • Explain what a sentiment analysis is and how it can give insights about your election coverage
  • Showcase examples of excellent stories aimed at engaging the public in solving societal issues
  • Provide insights into solutions journalism: how it can strengthen reader engagement, with clear evidence of its impact
  • Discuss how solutions journalism can help improve trust in the media

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