User needs recogniser is a service provided by smartocto, specifically designed to utilise ChatGPT intelligence solution of the company OpenAI for the needs of articles analysis. The Terms and Conditions of the smartocto (the "Terms and Conditions") set forth by smartocto in this document and accepted by users when using the service, apply to users who interact with the User needs recogniser (the "Service"). The Terms and Conditions constitute a legal and enforceable contract between the users ("Users") and smartocto ("smartocto") and dictate the guidelines for the use of the Service by those Users. Therefore, we recommend that you read these Terms and Conditions carefully.

How does the User needs recogniser work?

The User needs recogniser is an interface that directly connects OpenAI's automated conversational software ChatGPT with Users via smartocto. Smartocto is interconnected with ChatGPT, and therefore, the User needs recogniser serves as a facilitator between OpenAI's product and the Users. All communications and responses displayed by the User needs recogniser are generated exclusively by OpenAI's artificial intelligence technologies and not by smartocto.

Third party Providers

User needs recogniser is provided by third-parties providers. Currently we are using artificial intelligence technology developed and provided by OpenAI LLC (“OpenAI”). Customer acknowledges and understands that by using the User needs recogniser the OpenAI Terms of Service govern the use of the User needs test (available here) (“OpenAI Terms”) and specifically, that any information, content or code uploaded to the User needs recogniser (“Input”) may, depending on the type of API, be used by OpenAI for model training and improvement. OpenAI grants opt-out rights available here. The Inputs may be shared with and manually reviewed by a person, including by third party contractors located around the world. The Customer should not use or provide any information that is sensitive or that he does not want others to view, including personal data. Smartocto has no control over the use of the Input, thus, any use of such is at your own risk and smartocto does not represent, undertake or warrant to any security or control of or to the Input.


The Customer is solely responsible for the Input. Further, by using the User needs recogniser the Customer will receive output generated and returned by the User needs recogniser based on the Input (“Output”) (Input and Output are collectively “Content”). The Customer is solely responsible for ensuring that the Content complies with applicable laws, these AI Terms. As between the parties and to the extent permitted by OpenAI Terms and applicable law, the Customer owns all Input and is hereby granted rights, title and interests in and to Output. The Content may be used for any legal and lawful purpose, including commercial purposes and publication, at Customer’s own risk.

Personal data

Personal Data that you provide may be used to perform any agreement concluded with you, contact you, and for example to keep you updated by means of one of our mailings you have subscribed to, or to offer you services that may be of interest to you, unless you inform us that you do not wish to receive any offers regarding these services and other products.

At the moment by clicking on the ‘analyse article’ button you agree that the content will become part of our AI-recognition algorithm.

Personal data will be treated in accordance with our policy.

As a User, you declare that you are aware of the specific terms and conditions of ChatGPT by OpenAI available here. Likewise, you acknowledge and agree that you meet all the requirements set forth in OpenAI's terms and conditions and that you are in compliance with the rules and laws of using ChatGPT according to your jurisdiction.

Last updated: January 2024.