A data-driven approach to growth
After deciding to focus on online, the company started using data and analytics to keep an eye on their performance. Because, as Renzo said, “if you want to continue to grow, you need to determine what works and what doesn’t. That requires a more data-driven approach." Their head of development Tim Zunneberg started looking for a platform that gave them the real-time information they needed. “We started with Chartbeat, but that didn’t live up to our expectations entirely. Later, in 2016, we were the first regional broadcaster to start using smartocto.”
Minimum effort, maximum performance
At first, the journalists wanted nothing to do with all those numbers, but eventually they started asking for the data themselves. As Tim says: "They shifted from fearing that data would take away their right to decide what to write about, towards regarding data as validation.” That hunger for data also led to their involvement in the development of smartocto Tentacles, the A/B testing feature. They were looking for a way to test and influence article placement and headlines on the website, without having to enter the CMS. Renzo: "To have that situation where an editor does not need to log into complicated systems, but can actually see what's happening to a story right there in the live environment - to me, that's paramount.” With the functionality of Tentacles, they expect to increase the performance of their articles 10 to 20%, without putting a whole lot more effort in.