We dare you: can you formulate a notification that would be an asset for newsrooms? The best suggestion for an actionable tip is going to be a part of our editorial analytics system in 2023.

“Sometimes we call ourselves a notification company”, smartocto’s CEO Erik van Heeswijk says. What he means is that actionability is the most important development in data analytics. Smartocto presents useful insights in the form of notifications (in Slack, mail or wherever) in combination with specific tips for editors, such as:

This story is pulling traffic, but it is not coming through your own website and app.

The audience is on this article, lots of engagement! Check the comments to see if you can make a follow-up.

On Facebook you generate less traffic, compared to other posts. Tweak the teaser.

This story is doing well on social media, but not on your website. Adjust your headline or teaser.

This story is doing well, but isn’t on the homepage. Action required: move to the frontpage.

This story earns more attention on the homepage: put the article higher on the page.

Add this article to your newsletter.

So this basically means that you, as an editor, don’t need to check and refresh the trends of every story anymore. The system does the work for you based on the metrics that are important to your brand. You receive the tips and suggestions in notifications and judge what action will be taken. Clients can arrange their own set of notifications, of course in collaboration with our developers.

Clear and easy to act on tips and suggestions

What’s the most popular notification? “This article gets traffic on Facebook, but it’s not shared on your own Facebook page yet”, senior customer success specialist Martijn de Bie responds. “It is clear and easy to act on.”

And what notifications are hard to create from an algorithm perspective? “Checking reactions on Facebook”, data analyst Bojana Soro explains. “We do not only count the number of reactions, but also the type of emotions. So now we know how people react to the story, whether they are impressed, laughing, sad or angry with the story. Based on the sentiment analysis algorithm, the system suggests which kind of follow-up needs to be written: functional, contextual, or emotional."

Let’s do a contest. Which notification could be very helpful for you? Something that shows you which articles must be pushed? Or what you need to do to have more conversion to subscriptions? Or some actions that prevent churn from happening?

Please send your suggestion to stefan@smartocto.com or share it on social media (Twitter, Linkedin). We will discuss all of your ideas with our datateam and choose the best one. Your brand gets a shoutout on our social media.